Aari embroidery is a traditional style of embroidery seen on kashmiri dresses. The Aari practise is a very time-consuming process. However, with the help of technology, the embroidery process has become quicker and easier. Aari work is executed using a hooked needle, Aari, which is placed under the fabric and is used to pull a chain of loops, each rising from the previous in continuous succession. Products created through ari work are stoles, shawls, pheran, kurta, capes. This embroidery style started with a basic method of drawing designs on cloth and piercing holes along the lines of the design with a needle. The fine stitched patterns evolved into Aari work as an individual art form over time. Muslim communities in India were the first to carry out Aari work. Today, Aari work has become in high demand globally.
Widely practiced throughout India, Ari work is executed using a hooked needle, Ari, which is placed under the fabric and is used to pull a chain of loops, each rising from the previous in continuous succession. Products created through ari work are stoles, shawls, pheran, kurta, capes.
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