Kophi is a traditional cane basket made by the Angami Nagas of Khonoma village in Nagaland, India. The basket is made from raw cane or bamboo, which is collected and processed into splints. The baskets are then woven using a bamboo mould, which gives them a square base and circular rim. The cane strips are smoothed with ash and cane shavings, and the basket is finished with a flat braided head strap. Bamboo nodes are carved into legs to support the base, and branches and the culm support the sides. Cane baskets are preferred over bamboo due to their strength, durability, and exclusivity, and are highly valued by customers. The traditional tools used to make Kophi baskets are a metal die and a wide-bladed knife called a Dao. In addition to baskets, the Angami Nagas also use cane to make other ceremonial items, such as hats, arm bands, leg covers, dao sheaths, and belts.
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