The leather work of Kutch is crafted by the Marwadi Meghwal community of Kutch. Leather is obtained from the Maldhari Muslim cattle herders with whom they live in close proximity. The construction of the footwear is undertaken by the men and the womenfolk are responsible for carrying out the embellishments. Tools such as marking tools called krapli, scrapers called karpa and scraping knives called rampi, large and small awls called moti and nani ari respectively, needles, cutters and pliers wood, lasts, iron beetles, hammers, buffalo horns, stone slabs and punches are used in the crafting process. Articles such as leather ropes, footwear, slippers, shoes, decorative door hangings, hand fans, horse saddels, covering for the seat in camel trappings, belt and necklace etc are made. Additionally articles such as mirror frames, wallets, folders, bags and pouches are crafted.
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