Madras Checks, also known as Madras Plaid or simply Madras, is a distinctive pattern that originated in the city of Chennai (formerly known as Madras) in India. Traditionally handwoven in cotton it gives the fabric a texture and breathability in the humid and hot climate. The lightweight weave is characterized by vibrant, bright checks or plaids.
The process of creating Madras Checks involves several steps, starting with the spinning of cotton fibers into yarn. Once the yarn is ready, it is dyed in a wide range of colors, including bright hues such as red, yellow, green, and blue. After dyeing, the yarn is then woven on handlooms by skilled artisans. The weaving process involves interlacing the dyed yarns in a particular sequence to create the characteristic checks. The irregularity in the spacing and alignment of the checks creates a range of vibrant and bold patterns with a variety of colors. The traditional Madras Checks often incorporate a combination of bright hues such as red, blue, green, and yellow.
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