The musical instruments of Odisha are unique and play an important role in the state’s cultural traditions. One of the most popular instruments is the Dhol, a double-headed drum played with sticks. It is often used in religious and cultural celebrations and has a rhythmic and upbeat sound. Another popular instrument is the Mahuri, a wind instrument made from bamboo. It has a distinctive sound and is commonly used in devotional music. The Been, a wind instrument similar to the North Indian shehnai, is also commonly used in classical music. The Sahu is a bowed string instrument played with a horsehair bow and is used in devotional music. The Madal is a percussion instrument similar to a drum and is commonly used in folk music and dance performances. The Tassa is a large pot drum typically played in large groups and is used in folk music and dance performances.
The tools used to make these instruments are Chisels, Lathes, Hammers, Knives and other. Raw materials used to make these instruments include wood, leather, metal, other materials.
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