Some of the popular instruments of Tamil Nadu: Thalam, Thavil, Udukkai, Veenai, Veelai, and Venkural.
The Thalam is a percussion instrument consisting of flat metal plates, while the Thavil is a double-headed barrel drum played with sticks. The Udukkai is similar to the Thavil but smaller and played with fingers. The Veenai is a string instrument similar to the sitar, played with a plectrum. The Veelai is a small handheld drum played with fingers. The Venkural is a string instrument similar to the violin, played with a bow.
The instruments are made from a variety of materials such as wood, animal skin, and metal. To make these instruments, skilled craftsmen use tools such as hammers, saws, chisels, and knives to shape and carve the materials into the desired form.
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