Santipur Sari is a popular handloom sari that originates from the town of Santipur in the Nadia district of West Bengal, India.
The origin of Santipur Sari can be traced back to the 16th century when the Mughal emperors ruled India. During this time, Santipur emerged as a major center for textile weaving, and the weavers of Santipur started creating exquisite saris that were popular among the royal families and aristocrats of India.
The process of making Santipur Sari involves several steps, including dyeing, designing, and weaving. The saris are usually made of cotton, but some variations also use silk or a blend of cotton and silk. The cotton yarn is first dyed using natural dyes such as indigo, turmeric, and madder, to give it a vibrant color. Then, the weavers use traditional wooden blocks to stamp intricate designs onto the fabric. The designs are often inspired by nature, such as flowers, leaves, and birds.
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