Conventionally the task of insertion of weft threads needed to make a variety of design is to be done manually by tying knots , which is tedious , cumbersome and time consuming. The thread is also wasted in the connection between one motif to another.
The device developed innovator is consists of three components, base frame, magnet-bearing shaft and specially designed bobbin. These components can be fitted to any handloom jacquard machine.
The innovation reduce the time of making designs to one third of the time required in traditional weaving method. It reduces the time of making designs to one third of the time required in traditional weaving method.It also facilitates automatic selection and lifting of warp threads to handle elaborate fabric designs.The innovation facilitates a productivity boost of over 60% while eliminating the drudgery.The device is easy to operate and maintain.This attachment to the Jacquard loom allows unskilled workers to enter the industry and produce elaborately designed fabrics.No knots except in case of broken thread, easy and better weft insertion solution thereby better fabric quality
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