Formed in the late eighties, in response to the development paradigm and a vision of a prejudice free society, Unnayan owes it’s origin to the enthusiastic spirit of a group of young social workers. Having established itself
as one of the leading NGO’s in the state of Orissa, its activities have created a process of participatory development in a few rural and tribal pockets in seven districts, Mayurbhanj, Balasore, Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapada, Ganjam, Puri and Cuttack.
- Promotion of livelihood options of poor people in rural areas through grass-root action.
- Integrated development of rural communities through sustainable and empowerment actions.
- Natural resource management with people at the helm of its affair.
- Promotion of people’s organization and their capacity building.
- Tribals and other marginalized section of people dependant on fragile ecology for livelihood.
- Landless, marginal and small farmers.
- Women.
- Other socially and economically backward people
- Management of local resources for community development through active people’s participation and community mobilization.
- Transfer of knowledge and technology to rural institutions and village level organization in promotion of agriculture.
- Capacity Building of Rural poor in terms of leadership development, economic self-reliance and participatory development.
- Promotion of local knowledge and appropriate rural technology.
- Use of appropriate modern information technology for rural development.
The activities are supported by the Dept. of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Orissa, Dept. of Youth Affairs and Sports, Govt. of India, Department of culture, GOI, Dept of Women and Child Development, Ministry of
Textiles, GOI, RGVN, BBSR, JD center of Art, New Delhi, CAPART, EZ, NABARD, Bhubaneswar, CENDERET, XIMB, Bhubaneswar, Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust, Orissa, SEEDS, USA, CAN OSA, Canada, Action Aid, OXFAM – GB, SAKHYA, UK to highlight a few.
Unnayan was registered under Societies Registration Act in the year 1990 and subsequently under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) in 1998. It has also been registered under section 12(A) & 80(G) of Income Tax Act as well as under state and central Sales Tax Act.